MD of the Month:
Addy Adams
Radio K Minneapolis, MN
How did you first hear about KUOM/Radio K? How long have you been involved there and when did you become MD?
I heard about it from a friend my freshman year (fall 2021), I started as a volunteer DJ, then front desk, then training director, and worked my way up to MD! I’ve been MD since May of 2023! I’m now a senior graduating this spring and it’s so surreal that I’ve done this much at the station!!
Tell us about the duties of your job as MD and what part of it you love the most and what you find the most challenging.
I love hearing the newest of the new music, though it can be overwhelming to see and hear so much of it, a good problem to have!
What do you do to ensure the new music that is sent you by labels and promoters gets played by your DJs?
I create multiple rotation categories, as well as consulting the DJs before adding music, I find that the more collaborative the music choosing process is, the more enthusiastic DJs will be to play those songs!
Who is an artist or band that you’ve discovered in the past year or so that has become one of your favorites? What is it about their music you love?
Fcukers are a recently discovered artist for me! Everything they’ve released is phenomenal, especially the song “I Don’t Wanna,” it’s the only modern song that has scratched the Portishead itch in my brain.
Do you have an all-time favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?
Anything by Pixies or The Breeders, I could listen to Surfer Rosa for the literal rest of my life and have no complaints.
What 2024 release has excited you the most so far?
Besides Fcukers’ newest EP, I’ve loved Horse Jumper of Love’s newest album, as well as Jane Remover’s most recent singles!
Who is an artist or band totally outside the realm of the music you play on Radio K that people might be surprised to know you love?
I really love Pitbull, his music is so fun but definitely not what I play on Radio K
If you had the power to instantly change one thing going on in the world at the moment, what would it be?
Cop out answer, but I’d stop every war, I’m a political science major and studying wars over the years has been so eye-opening to see the ways in which it impacts everyday people the most.
What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?
I would say that growing up in a small, rural town (around 1,000 people) and then moving to Minneapolis when I was 18 was quite pivotal for me, I wouldn’t ever live in a small town again but I am endlessly thankful to have experienced growing up there–the good and the bad!
If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to visit and why?
This is the most college radio answer… but the 1990s, I would go to every show possible…
Do you have a favorite Twin Cities restaurant that you recommend people try?
WALLY’S FALAFEL & HUMMUS IN DINKYTOWN!!! Authentic, flavorful Palestinian food, family run, just a really wonderful place!
What in your life brings you the most joy?
My best friends and our cat <3 I live with my best friends and a fat gray cat who is the light of my life!
Lightning Round:
Dog or Cat? Cat.
Morning Person or Night Owl? Perpetually tired…
City or Country? City.
Beach or Mountains? Beach.
Watch TV or Read A Book? TV (my reading list is intimidatingly long right now).
Sunny or Rainy? Sunny!! I am solar powered for real.
Restaurant or Home Cooking? Home cooking, I love to cook!
Pants or Shorts? Skorts if we’re being specific.
Warm or Cold drinks? Cold.
Do you have any current favorite shows you’re enjoying/binging? How about a movie (new or old) that you’ve watched recently that you loved?
I’m watching Girls for the first time right now and really loving it! I recently watched I Saw The TV Glow, too, and both the movie and soundtrack are amaaazing.
Finally, If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
Cheese LOL, I’m a Wisconsinite so it feels right.