MD of the Month:
Faith Logue
WONY Oneonta, NY
How did you first hear about WONY? We know you were MD there once before. What made you decide to come back to the position?
I first heard about WONY when I knew I was committing to SUNY Oneonta as a senior in high school and was eager to learn more about it. The potential to have my own radio show was super cool to me, and I jumped on board as soon as my freshman year began. I was MD my sophomore year and I enjoyed it so much that I (now a senior) decided to run again because I want to help get WONY on more promoter’s radars and I love listening to and finding new music through this job!
Tell us about the duties of your job and what part of it you love the most and what you find the most challenging.
The duties of a WONY MD are to go through our digital and physical submissions daily and listen to the music we receive to add to our station’s automation rotation that people hear when DJs are not broadcasting. A crucial part of this job is keeping up with said digital submissions and communicating daily with promoters, which can be time-consuming. Other duties include running a Music department of about 20-30 people, charting to NACC weekly, running our annual concert event called WONY Island, and being a friendly face to people who may want to join WONY! My favorite part of the job is listening to so much new music because I have found many up-and-coming artists that I enjoy so much, and I became a big fan! The most challenging part of my job is keeping up with the many submissions I receive daily and making sure I do not let it become overwhelming.
What do you do to ensure the new music that is sent you by labels and promoters gets played by your DJs?
I make sure to let DJs know of the new music on rotation and encourage them to incorporate them into their shows by matching the genres I am sent to the ones that are played on DJs’ shows as some have specific ones they play.
Who is an artist or band that you’ve discovered in the past year or so that has become one of your favorites? What is it about their music you love?
Dominic Fike. His album Sunburn has been on repeat since March. I love his voice and how intricate his instrumentals are, as well as his thought-provoking lyrics.
Do you have an all-time favorite artist or album you never get tired of listening to?
The Beatles. They remind me of my childhood and my last few high school years when I heavily listened to them. They are just so good.
Is there a 2024 release still on the horizon that you are particularly excited about?
The new Clairo album.
Who is an artist or band totally outside the realm of the music you play on WONY that people might be surprised to know you love?
100 gecs. They are very out of pocket for me as I mainly spin indie/rock tunes but outside of my show I love the weird stuff, especially them.
If you had the power to instantly change one thing going on in the world at the moment, what would it be?
I wish we would all be kinder to one another. I’ve noticed how rude humans have become since COVID-19, and I wish we could all have some more empathy.
What event in your life would you say has shaped you the most as a person?
Definitely deciding to pursue a career in the entertainment/music industry, more specifically filling out an application to join my first magazine as a music journalist when I was 15. It helped me become more grounded and mature.
If you could choose, what time period in the past would you most want to travel back to visit and why?
The 80s. So much good music and movies, and it seems simple and easy. Also, the fashion is super unique.
Do you have a favorite restaurant in town that you recommend people try?
Tinos Pizza, more specifically the cold cheese slice. A staple amongst college kids in Oneonta.
What in your life brings you the most joy?
My cats, my parents, and music, especially going to concerts.
Lightning Round:
Dog or Cat? Cat
Morning Person or Night Owl? Night owl
City or Country? Country
Beach or Mountains? Beach
Watch TV or Read A Book? Watch TV
Sunny or Rainy? Sunny
Restaurant or Home Cooking? Restaurant
Pants or Shorts? Pants
Warm or Cold drinks? Cold drinks
Do you have any current favorite shows you’re enjoying/binging? How about a movie (new or old) that you’ve watched recently that you loved?
I just recently finished The Sopranos for the first time and am still trying to recover. One of the best TV shows ever. I just watched Spirited Away which I used to watch on repeat as a child but I hadn’t watched it since then and I got hit with all the feelings of nostalgia.
Finally, If you could have a lifetime supply of anything, what would it be?
I would say money, but only so I can buy iced chai every day of my life.